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网址:www.jinggai.au08.cn  2021-05-28  作者:admin    阅读:

钢纤维井盖,和雨水口箅子,该产品以纤维混凝土作基体,利用钢纤维优良的抗压强度 、拉伸强度、抗弯强度、冲击强度、韧性、冲击韧性等性能加入混凝土制作而成。 钢纤维 混凝土在薄壁构件中趋于二维分布的特点,并配以适当的钢筋,以玻璃钢增强边框,经精心加工 而成。
The steel fiber well cover and rain water inlet grate are made of fiber reinforced concrete as the matrix and steel fiber with excellent compressive strength, tensile strength, bending strength, impact strength, toughness and impact toughness. Steel fiber reinforced concrete tends to be two-dimensional distribution in thin-walled members, and is carefully processed with appropriate reinforcement and FRP reinforced frame.
钢纤维井盖规格:球铁井盖与灰铸铁井盖规格是一样的,材质是不同的,给你介绍一下球墨井盖《 新型钢纤维井盖的化学及物理特点采用QT500-7铸态球墨铸铁重量轻、强度高、韧性好、防腐蚀、耐疲劳、成本适宜与同规格尺寸灰铸铁井盖相比重量轻40%~50%强度比旧式的灰铸铁井盖相比高40%~50%。旧式灰铸铁井盖脆性大容易断裂。现将球墨盖土网 防寒布 麻绳 油麻绳 麻刀 沥青麻绳 静压造型线 自动浇注机 铸铁拍门 钢制拍门 玻璃钢拍门铸铁及灰铸铁产品化学成分、物理性能做比较:
Specification of steel fiber well cover: the specification of nodular iron well cover is the same as that of gray cast iron well cover, but the material is different. Let me introduce the chemical and physical characteristics of new type steel fiber well cover. QT500-7 as cast nodular iron is used for light weight, high strength, good toughness, anti-corrosion, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance The cost is suitable. Compared with the same size gray cast iron well cover, the weight is 40% ~ 50%, and the strength is 40% ~ 50% higher than the old gray cast iron well cover. The old gray cast iron well cover is brittle and easy to break. The chemical composition and physical properties of ductile iron and gray iron are compared

